Rescue Mission...Or NOT?
- Baby birds come in two categories: nestlings and fledglings.
- If you find a nestling (naked or partially feathered) gently warm it in your hands.
- If it is not injured, try to locate the nest overhead, or nearby.
- If you can't find the nest, make a "foster nest" from a berry basket, hanging planter or plastic container punctured with holes.
Line with dry grass, pine straw, or leaves.
Hang the new nest from a limb; secure it in the "V" of a tree, or in a bush or shrub.
Gently place the warmed baby into its foster home.
Place it where the mother can see it.
Watch for the parents to return. Keep predators away. Keep watch for several hours.
If the parents do not return, bring the baby indoors. Please follow recommendations under "How to Help a Baby Bird" .