Rescue Mission...Or NOT?

  • Baby birds come in two categories:  nestlings and fledglings.
  • If you find a nestling (naked or partially feathered) gently warm it in your 
  • hands.
  • If it is not injured, try to locate the nest overhead, or nearby.
  • If you can't find the nest, make a "foster nest" from a berry basket, hanging planter or plastic container punctured with holes.
  • Line with dry grass, pine straw, or leaves.
  • Hang the new nest from a limb; secure it in the "V" of a tree, or in a bush or shrub.
  • Gently place the warmed baby into its foster home.
  • Place it where the mother can see it.
  • Watch for the parents to return.  Keep predators away.  Keep watch for several hours.
  • If the parents do not return, bring the baby indoors.  Please follow recommendations under "How to Help a Baby Bird" .